Food Security & Agriculture 

Climate change poses significant challenges to agriculture and food security, with more frequent and severe weather events affecting crop yields and livelihoods. Investing in climate-smart agriculture practices, such as drought-tolerant crops and water-saving technologies, is essential for building resilience and ensuring food security in a changing climate.

Smart agriculture and

Crops development programs

We aim to provide a platform to the growers by providing the services of experts for the following sectors.

1)Set-up a testing lab: The Experts will examine the soil quality and advise for the land preparation and fertilizer uses accordingly.

2)Supply of modern implements & Equipment:

3)Supply of hybrid Seeds

4)Services of Crop Experts: These experts will advise the selection of seeds, and  give awareness about crop monitoring, Auditing  and online services  for better yield. Also use of Fertilizers and Fungicide.

5) Engagement of Fertilizers and pesticide companies:
These company will ensure the supply of fertilizers and fungicides according to soil quality at discount rates.

6)Market Approaches: Providing services to access the better market and good gain.

Agriculture Promotional plans



1. Short term crops



  • Vegetables
  • Pulses
  • Rapeseeds


2. Fruit Farming

  • Grapes
  • Mangos
  • Oranges

3. Hybird Seeds

  • Introducing Hybrid Seeds for sustainable and high yield crops of Rice, Wheat, Maize, Rapeseed, Cotton and Vegetable.
  • Hybrid Seeds Production technology.

4. Nano Fertilizer & Pesticides

  • Introducing Advanced Fertilizer.
  • Establishing manufacturing Plant in Pakistan

5. Smart Agriculture method

  • Providing Loan and Services for  adopting Smart Agriculture technics

6. Solar Tube well & Drip irrigation

  • Providing Loan and Services For Solar Tube well and Drip Irrigation

Plant a tree ,saving nature

The tree planting project linked to all the beneficiaries of above proposed projects.

Each grower for each crop will plant at least 20 trees.

Livestock farming project, Each year planting 100 trees.

Also tree planting at canal sides and Government schools buildings. 100 trees

Each Year target , 20,000-25,000 Trees