Humanitarian Assistance

Growers / Farmers support Program

Understanding the multifaceted importance of agriculture highlights its role as a cornerstone for sustainable development, human well-being, and the overall health of the planet. Efforts to promote sustainable and resilient agricultural practices are critical to addressing global challenges such as food security, poverty, and environmental sustainability. GPWO aims to provide a platform to the growers by providing the services of experts for the following sectors.

1)Soil testing lab: The Experts will examine the soil quality and advise for the land preparation and fertilizer uses accordingly.

2)Supply of modern implements & Equipment required for modern farming

3)Supply of hybrid Seeds and nutrition for the crop high yield and sustainability.

4)Services of Crop Experts: The experts will advise the selection of seeds, and give awareness about crop monitoring, Auditing and online services for better yield. Also use of Fertilizers and Fungicide.

5) Engagement of Fertilizers and pesticide companies:
These company will ensure the supply of fertilizers and fungicides according to soil quality at discount rates.

6)Market Approaches: Providing services to access the better market and good gain.

7)Bringing up partnership/ joint venture opportunities for agriculture based sustainable business. Silage business and feed mills, Dairy farming and dairy products, meat farming and meat export.